Guest Speaker: Tom Ruotolo- School of Power and Love
Join us as we host guest speaker Tom Ruotolo from School of Power and Love
For 7 years, Tom Ruotolo served with Randy Clark and Global Awakening as VP of International Ministries. He planned and led 39 International trips to 12 countries, many of which he trained pastors and led renewal services. In 2006, Tom worked with Randy to begin the Global School of Supernatural Ministry and also served as its Director for its first year. Before this, Tom was instrumental in pastoring two church plants in CT. In 1987, Tom started and was president of Shoreline Christian Counseling which grew to be one of the largest Christian Counseling Centers in CT. Tom’s vision is to see the Church in the US go outside its walls with the wealth God is making available to us in power evangelism.
More Info: School of Power and Love